Hydration is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps and in more serious cases organ damage. To prevent dehydration and stay hydrated, it’s important to know the facts about hydration.
For starters, everyone needs different amounts of water daily based on age, weight, activity level and the environment they are in. Generally speaking, an adult needs around 8 glasses of water a day. When exercising or participating in activities outdoors on hot days, more may be necessary. Drinking when thirsty is a good indicator that you need to rehydrate your body but other signs of dehydration include dark urine color, dry mouth and feeling tired or dizzy.
Another important part of hydration is knowing what kind of beverages count as “water” intake for the day. Not all fluids contain electrolytes and hydrate the body equally. Water remains the best option for hydration but milk, tea, coffee and sports drinks like Gatorade are also options for rehydrating if plain water isn’t desired or available. Additionally some foods such as cucumbers and oranges are high in water content so including them in your diet can help with proper hydration levels.
It's important to remember that you don’t have to down 8 glasses at once - spread it out throughout the day! Investing in a reusable water bottle with measurements can make it easier to keep track of how much you are drinking each day so that you stay properly hydrated all day long!
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